Rimocy abjad iswed PU Ġilda għaksa Boots Nisa Ħarifa Xitwa Toe Toe Bizzilla Up Shoes Mara Moda Mutur Pjattaforma Botas

(49 reviżjonijiet klijent)

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  •  Saqsi mistoqsija
    Rimocy abjad iswed PU Ġilda għaksa Boots Nisa Ħarifa Xitwa Toe Toe Bizzilla Up Shoes Mara Moda Mutur Pjattaforma Botas 1

    Rimocy abjad iswed PU Ġilda għaksa Boots Nisa Ħarifa Xitwa Toe Toe Bizzilla Up Shoes Mara Moda Mutur Pjattaforma Botas

    Saqsi mistoqsija


    piż 0.75 kg
    dimensjonijiet 20 × 15 × 10 ċm
    L-isem tad-ditta




    Tip ta 'Ibbutjar


    Materjal tax-Xaftijiet


    Materjal ta 'l-idejn


    Materjal ta 'Fuq



    Ċina kontinentali



    Materjal tas-suletta


    Materjal tal-kisi


    Għoli Boot


    Element tal-Moda


    Isem tad-Dipartiment


    Forma tas-Sieq

    Round Toe



    Għoli tal-Pjattaforma



    Stil Brittaniku



    Tip ta 'mudell


    Numru Mudell



    Jaqbel vera mad-daqs, ħu d-daqs normali tiegħek

    Tip ta 'Għeluq


    għoli tal-għarqub


    tip ta' għarqub

    tkaken med/takkuna ċatt/qiegħ oħxon


    iswed / abjad



    tip ta 'żraben

    stivali tal-għaksa għan-nisa/stivali tax-xitwa tal-ħarifa

    tip ta 'oġġett

    stivali tal-qiegħ ħoxna/boots tal-ġilda tal-PU

    forma ta 'fuq

    round toe







    Ibbażat fuq reviżjonijiet 49

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    49 reviżjonijiet għall Rimocy abjad iswed PU Ġilda għaksa Boots Nisa Ħarifa Xitwa Toe Toe Bizzilla Up Shoes Mara Moda Mutur Pjattaforma Botas

    1. ***r -

      Se jmorru

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 37

    2. I *** a -

      Nice shoes, but need to take 1 size bigger

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 40

    3. b *** a -

      Clearly as in the photo, well packed. There were no creases. The only insole get ready to throw out and put anything just not what’s in the shoe. Very satisfied

      Kulur: Żarbun Iswed daqs: 35

    4. Ħwienet isfar Shopper -

      Boots are super, they did not come smelly! The sole is sewn and dense rubber, light and comfortable. 1 B1 as in the photo, the seller sent quickly I told him that the legs freeze ((but I was mistaken and ordered by the post of Russia… 2 weeks in the next city city city🫶🏻I think to order more in white, dream shoes just in autumn, in winter and in the rain would not risk walking only. I ordered 40 and turned out to be in size, I usually wear 38

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 40

    5. M *** a -

      Come quickly. Packing is super on 5 +. The quality is so-so, it is crooked. The size took 39 on its foot 24 cm and it turned out to be straight back to back. Thumb rests (I ordered a type with fur

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 39

    6. Ħwienet isfar Shopper -

      I ordered with fur, in fact from fur there is one name. They’re smooth inside. The size took 39 by 24,5, even on the sole is written 24,5, but if you want to wear a warm toe take two sizes more. It seems comfortable, I put on while once.

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 39

    7. *** а -

      I thought the goods would be a nightmare, I ordered 39 for a larger size and thought that it would be terrible, it will be great. But no, I believed it. But there is one but! When you go below there are Folds, who at your discretion, but personally it did not suit me. On in rainy weather, in the dirt itself. But it’s better to go and buy such shoes in the store. Actually the price is the same, and there you will pick up the size.

      Kulur: Żarbun Iswed daqs: 39

    8. z *** a -

      She is super really too beautiful and there is no problem! I took my size and everything is fine!

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 37

    9. Ħwienet isfar Shopper -

      Cool shoes for such money
      Suitable for autumn, but if you want to put on a warm toe it is better to take on a floor size bigger
      At its 37 took 38 r-r approached but straight back to back
      We came in two weeks.

      Kulur: Żarbun Iswed daqs: 38

    10. A *** a -

      Chic for his grochi! I took it in the morning, Duge warm and warm, take it on a rosemer. I will get the stink not to be peeled with the feather’s tongue)

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 39

    11. 0 *** r -

      Nice shoes. At 39 came 40 perfectly. With insulation. And delivery is very fast!!!!

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 40

    12. Ħwienet isfar Shopper -

      On the foot of 25.5 is cramped, I hope that they are carried

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 40

    13. v *** r -

      Without a lock like real Berts, a small smell and at will I will change laces

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 40

    14. Ħwienet isfar Shopper -

      Everything was fine, you could order a larger size))

      Kulur: Żarbun Iswed daqs: 39

    15. C *** B -

      I love this pair I really advise you a year ago I am buying and they are always in condition. I wanted to buy them but I was wrong about the size for a 37 took a 38. Very nice seller

      Kulur: Żarbun Iswed daqs: 37

    16. B *** r -

      size a little smaller then average.
      I took 37 and its like 36.5.

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 37

    17. Ħwienet isfar Shopper -

      Sori for the “clean” mirror hahah, the shoes look cool, the fur is thin on a cold autumn-spring will be good, took 39 at its 36

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 39

    18. Ħwienet isfar Shopper -

      Boots are cool, came in 18 days, were packed in inflatable film and fabric bags. There was a small smell of glue, but after an hour it was gone. Fur is not exactly Winter, from severe frosts will not save. Took on a dimensional grid for a larger size, on a dimensional grid, came perfectly. I think I can order in another color

      Kulur: Żarbun tal-pil Iswed daqs: 40

    19. м***а -

      European 37 ordered 38 just

      Kulur: Żarbun Iswed daqs: 38

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